What is the Purpose of Workers Compensation?

The legal idea for workers compensation arose as a solution that benefited both workers and employers. An on-the-job injury can make you unable to work, either temporarily or permanently. Cincinnati workers compensation lawyers can help you overcome barriers to receiving workers comp benefits.

Workers who experience work-related accidents have the problem of getting medical treatment so they can recover. While not working, they also face the problem of paying medical bills and covering wage losses. From an employer standpoint, work injuries make production more difficult and also leave employers liable to employee lawsuits. Workers compensation serves a dual purpose of helping employees physically and financially recover, while also protecting employers from lawsuits. In 1902, Maryland was the first state to pass a workers compensation law. By 1949, all states had some form of workers compensation. While most states allow employers to cover workers’ injuries through workers compensation insurance, Ohio is one of a few states that funds workers compensation. However, a few types of industries are exceptions in regard to funding. The Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (OBWC) oversees state funding and handles workers comp claims for injured employees. Injured workers are entitled to recover lost wage benefits and costs for medical treatment related to the work injury.

An Ohio workplace accident attorney can help you file a claim, deal with delays or denials and pursue recoveries through settlements or trial.

The Law Firm of Weisser & Wolf has attorneys who are Board Certified Specialists in workers compensation and have extensive experience handling workers comp claims.