What is the Purpose of Workers Compensation?

The legal idea for workers compensation arose as a solution that benefited both workers and employers. An on-the-job injury can make you unable to work, either temporarily or permanently. Cincinnati workers compensation lawyers can help you overcome barriers to receiving workers comp benefits. Workers who experience work-related accidents have the problem of getting medical treatment […]

Why Do You Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Social Security Disability (SSD) is a government program that pays benefits to disabled individuals. The advantages of having a Social Security Disability lawyer to advocate your submission are many. Even the Social Security Administration (SSA) states that your chances of getting SSD approved are much greater with representation. If the SSA denies your initial SSD […]

Why is Negotiation Important for Your Workers Comp Settlement?

Generally, people realize that negotiation skills play a part in the success of any business deal. The same is true for a workers compensation settlement. Unless you are well-versed in Ohio workers compensation laws and have experience dealing with claims, it is likely you lack the knowledge to discern whether a settlement offer is in […]