What Are Your Rights to Recovery Under Personal Injury Law?

When someone else causes your injury, you may have the right to recover compensation for damages. Various laws come into play and a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer can review your situation and advise about taking legal action. Courts often decide personal injury cases based on negligence law. When someone else’s lack of care or wrongdoing […]

What Are Some Motorcycle Safety Tips?

Motorcycle riders face a greater risk of injury than other motorists who drive vehicles that offer more protection. Consequently, it pays to be skilled and educated about avoiding serious accidents. In many motorcycle accidents, the other driver is at fault. If you are seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, Cincinnati motorcycle accident lawyers can protect […]

Significant Traffic Crash Statistics in Ohio, Cincinnati and Nationwide

Good news — the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that traffic fatalities are on the decline. Statistics show there were 25% fewer traffic fatalities in 2009 than in 2005. Nevertheless, accidents still do occur and if you suffer injury from a car accident, a Cincinnati car accident lawyer may be able to help […]

What is the Purpose of Workers Compensation?

The legal idea for workers compensation arose as a solution that benefited both workers and employers. An on-the-job injury can make you unable to work, either temporarily or permanently. Cincinnati workers compensation lawyers can help you overcome barriers to receiving workers comp benefits. Workers who experience work-related accidents have the problem of getting medical treatment […]

What Qualifies as an Occupational Disease?

For purposes of collecting workers compensation, your work-related illness must qualify as an occupational disease. The crux of a workers compensation case often involves proving the work-related nature of a disease and that it falls within the parameters of applicable statutes. A Cincinnati workers comp disease lawyer has the necessary skills to help you prove […]

Why Do You Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Social Security Disability (SSD) is a government program that pays benefits to disabled individuals. The advantages of having a Social Security Disability lawyer to advocate your submission are many. Even the Social Security Administration (SSA) states that your chances of getting SSD approved are much greater with representation. If the SSA denies your initial SSD […]

What Do Product Recalls Have to Do with Products Liability Cases?

Various government agencies recall defective products to protect consumers. While they provide an overall service that stops further production or removes hazardous products from the market, they do not provide harmed individuals with recourse. To recover compensation for damages, you have to sue for damages. Cincinnati products liability attorneys with experience suing companies that manufacture […]

Who Can Recover Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim?

A fatal accident or wrongful death is devastating for families. When a key provider unexpectedly dies, it may be crucial for surviving family members to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit to obtain financial support. A Cincinnati wrongful death attorney can explain your rights as a family member to recover compensation under Ohio law. The Ohio […]

How Prevalent Are Preventable Medical Errors?

Operating on the wrong body part, such as the right instead of the left arm is a gross medical error ― and obviously, also a preventable mistake. According to one study, surgeons across the United States operate on wrong body parts as frequently as 40 times a week. If you or a loved one suffers […]

What Laws Apply to Dog Bite Injuries in Ohio?

Dog bite victims in Ohio have a strong legal standing to bring dog bite cases against owners or parties who have the dog in their care. Cincinnati dog bite injuries lawyers can use a number of laws to pursue a dog bite lawsuit. In addition to Ohio negligence law and various case laws, Ohio Revised […]